How To Add Social Networking Buttons To Blog

By Gamesnet Sunday, January 20, 2013 0 comments
After posting an article about Why I Chose Blogging. Social networking is important for our blog. Visitor want to know who we are.
Here I would like to post how to add social networking such us Facebook, Twitter, Google+, MySpace and etc.

Social media is one of the best solutions to promote your site to all your friends. You can do this by sharing the article to a friend via facebook, twitter, google+ and others. Some of these sites are the most popular websites today. Millions of people already have an account and always online on their account.

How if your article is distributed to 1 million or more users facebook, twitter, google+ and others? For example, if your article distributed by one of the users of social media, then his friend was also keen to share it with other friends. And so on. So, it will increasing blog traffic.

What about your blog?
Is it to share with your friends social media users?

So, let us give convenience to the reader to share articles through social media buttons that you provide ...

I will give a tutorial How To Add Social Networking Buttons To Blog

1.   Open
    2.   Choose some social media button that you want

    3.   Copy the URLs of your account and then Paste to the buttons you want. Example:

    4.   Leave the buttons blank if you don't have social media of it
      5.   Press submit
        6.   Copy paste its code to your blog.

          How to enter these code?

          1.  Login to your blog
            2.  Go to Layout > Add a gadget > Choose HTML/JavaScript
              3.  Paste its code, and Save

              You're done!
                Sharing is sexy

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