How To Adjust a Picture Position

By Gamesnet Monday, January 21, 2013 0 comments
I think this is easy tips.
Maybe just some people doesn't know it.
If you do not know about HTML, and wanted to change the position / location of image, text, or element of your blog.
This paper will explain a bit how to adjust the position / location of the picture for those of you who do not know about HTML.
Actually very difficult to learn HTML. Because in HTML, a lot of the code that you see and you must to know. But all of it will be easy if we continue to learn HTML.

Okay now I will explain how to adjust or change the position of the image. Please refer to my article.
But I will show to you how to adjust a picture position (left, right and center)

I want social media icon move to center,


Open the HTML code of your picture/icon,
add this bellow code just before your picture/icon

<div align="center">

----> Your Picture HTML code <----


It will look like,


 It's easy, isn't it?
Change "center"  with left or right position as you like.

I hope this article can help you understand HTML slowly. Keep learning.
If anyone wants to ask please comment

Good Luck!
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