Top 20 High Pagerank Free Blog Directories of 2013.

Mostly, A blog directory is a specific type of web directory which focuses on listing blogs. Blogs, short for web logs, are a type of website commonly updated frequently, usually by an individual or a small group of individuals, and often listed as postsnewest posts first. Because there are literally millions of blogs in the world, a blog directory helps people sort through them by interests, and helps them find the type of blog they are looking for. A more advanced blog directory may include small reviews or human-edited descriptions, to further help users find what they’re looking for.Unlike a blog search engine, a blog directory is not based on keywords and a simple search. Rather, it is based on the concept of browsing, and categorization. Blogs are placed in a blog directory based on what their main themes are, and may be placed in one or more categories in a directory tree. The user then makes their way through the directory tree, and in each category or sub-category they are able to see a listing of all of the blogs that were placed in that category. Most directories also include a search engine, but this is a secondary feature.
On the other hand
A web directory or link directory is a directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links.A web directory is not a search engine and does not display lists of web pages based on keywords; instead, it lists web sites by category and subcategory . Most web directory entries are also not found by web crawlers but by humans. The categorization is usually based on the whole web site rather than one page or a set of keywords, and sites are often limited to inclusion in only a few categories. Web directories often allow site owners to submit their site for inclusion, and have editors review submissions for fitness.RSS directories are similar to web directories, but contain collections of RSS feeds, instead of links to web sites.
List of Top 20 High Pagerank Free Blog Directories of 2013
So after a lot of effort our editorial team have compiled a list of most popular and top socialize blog directories which will give you the quality backlinks and will let you attend in the blogging arena. So before waste your time in finding out the top high pr directories for your blog let check the below list of Top High PR Blog Directories.
So this was some of the most popular blog directories list for the year 2013. One thing i forgot to say, the most interesting thing that i am gonna tell you. Some of the above directories contain .edu which deliver splendid results. These directories do not approve any blog or website so easily, However they could approve you fast if your blog has quality contents and give more value to your visitors and readers. So make sure you must customized and optimized your blog before getting approval in into such directories.
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