5 Easy Ways to Improve the SEO of a blog & Boost Traffic

By Gamesnet Sunday, March 23, 2014 0 comments
5 easy ways to improve the SEO of a blog 

improve seo, seo tips, boost traffic
SEO tips for a better search engine ranking
A blogger needs to know at least the minimum on SEO. For it, you don't need to be an SEO expert but you need to know the minimum so that your posts are well indexed in search engines.

The phrase "content is king" is one of the widest spread Internet memes and is used by many bloggers, with the idea that you should focus on having quality content, while the rest don't matter much. This is not true. Quality content is important, but that shouldn't be the only concern of a blogger today. In addition to producing quality content, your text needs to be optimized for search engines.

5 easy ways to improve the SEO of a blog

In this post, I will talk about of what would be the basics that any blogger needs to learn about SEO and other simple SEO knowledge. Below are 5 tips to improve the SEO of your blog:

1. Define the keyword

When you write a post, it is necessary to choose the keyword (or term) suitable for your text. What you want is that this keyword or term to be searched on Google and then get your post among the top. For this, it is necessary to use this keyword a few times in the text.

For example, here the keyword could be SEO, but this term is too generic and I could hardly get in the top for this search. Then I'll work with a term or a long tail keyword, so that this post will rank for the term "easy ways to improve the SEO of a blog". I will use this term a few times, but without exaggeration.

2. Use the keyword in the post title

Now that I have defined the keyword, I will use it in the post title. This step is very important and certainly will help you to get a better rank in search engines. As you can see, what I have in my title is the easy ways to improve the SEO of a blog keyword, along with other words to form an attractive and optimized title for SEO.

3. Use the keyword in the H2 tags

You must also use heading tags (h2, h3) in your posts. In this post, I am using the keyword "easy ways to improve the SEO of a blog" in a H2 header. Do this always, because it also helps to become well positioned in the search results. If you don't know or don't understand what are the header tags, I would suggest to do a further research on this subject.

4. Use the keyword in the text

You must use your keywords throughout the text. Especially in the first paragraph (please note that I have repeated the title in italics on the first line). But be careful when doing this, there is a maximum and minimum limit for that. Your text needs to be between 1 and 4.5% of occurrences of the keyword. Less than that will have no effect and more than that can alert the search engines and your text might be considered spam.

5. Write posts with more than 300 words

Posts under 300 words have little chance to be among the top results in search engines. Of course, you will be able to rank for multiple keywords that are less popular with less than 300 words text, but for the most competitive keywords that have the potential to bring a greater number of visits, it will be nearly impossible.

Thus, it is recommended to write posts with more than 300 words. It's not hard when you really understand the subject you're talking about.


As you can see, with some simple SEO techniques you can improve traffic coming to your blog from search engines. I hope you enjoyed these 5 easy ways to improve the SEO of a blog.

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