How To Create A Yahoo Mail Account 2013

By Gamesnet Saturday, August 10, 2013 0 comments
How To Create A Yahoo Mail Account 2013
Hai everybody...
How long we don't meet again. ^_^

I was posted Add Google Translate With All Languages. Now, I will post How To Create A Yahoo Mail Account.

In this tutorial, I will explain How To Create A Yahoo Mail Account in 2013.

Please follow my instructions.
  1. Go to
  2. In Some basics. Fill out with your personal information:
  • My name is: (fill with your first and last name)
  • Pick a Yahoo! ID: (fill with your username as you like but don't be same with already username)
  • Pick a password: (fill with your unique password: example: !@#$pAs5W0rd, mYp455WoRd, <Myp@s5wOrD>)
  • Retype password: (fill with your same password again)
Look at this picture:
How To Create A Yahoo Mail

3.    in A little personal info. Fill with your personal information too:
  • I was born on: (when you born on?)
  • My gender: (what is your gender?)
  • Language: (fill with your language)
  • Country: (where do you life?)
Look at this picture:
How To Create A Yahoo Mail Account
4.   in If you can't sign in (Optional: They can use this options to safe your account from unwanted people)
  • Mobile phone: (fill with your number phone)
  • Alternate email: (fill with your another email to confirmations)

5. If you have filled correctly. Click Create my account button

create a yahoo mail

6. Your done! Your account will be created.

Tips: Create a yahoo mail correctly. To safe your account from unwanted people, make a strong and secure password:
  1. Use combine both text and numbers
  2. Use special characters (!@#$%&)
  3. Use lowercase (abc) and uppercase (ABC)
  4. Don't use your name, company etc.
  5. Add phone number to verification login.
Sharing is sexy

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