How To Add A Gadget To Blog
I will post How To Add A Gadget To Blog.
In this article, I will explain how to add Gadgets (widgets) to blogger. If you want to add something whether it be images, text or javascript code, must go through Gadget / Widget on blogger. But not only that, you also can add a gadget / widget provided by Like Google+ Badge, Labels, Pages, Slide show and much more.
If you still do not know how to add bagaimanca gadget in your blog. Please follow this article.
Just follow me,
1. Login to your blog
2. Go to Layout,
3. Click Add a Gadget,
4. And you will find more gadget from Google. Just choose as you like.
5. You're done
I hope this article useful for you. If you have any question, please feel free to comments.
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