Top 10 Revenue Sharing Sites For Writers
Revenue sharing sites
Revenue sharing sites are websites that allows sharing revenue to writers writing in their sites. How revenue sharing websites is differ from your own websites or blogs? In our own websites or blogs we have to establish our sites and participate in high competition. But when we are writing in already established revenue sharing site we may concentrate only on writing and other traffic will comes automatically due to well established platform.The best part of using revenue sharing sites is the fact that all you have to do is write content and publish! You dont have to deal with any of the headaches and hassles of owning and maintaining a site.For a newbie finding the good revenue sharing sites may be difficult. Here is the list of sites that generate income.
Hubpages is a very friendly platform that is open to one and all for free. It is a pioneering source of expert content on the web. Authors can earn passive income with the help of various affiliate tools such as adsense, kontera, and Amazon. When an ad is clicked 60% of the time that revenue goes to you and the other 40% of the time the revenue goes to HubPages.
An article you create here is called a lens, you get 50% of the advertising revenue generated from your lenses. The author has complete control over donating the money to a charity organization or to send it via PayPal for himself.
Triond publishes user generated content on a network of websites, enabling users to reach a wider audience, gain more recognition and earn more revenue.
Online art community featuring wall art, design, photography and t-shirts by artists worldwide. Buy cool art & t-shirts or sell your art!
An article sharing website where authors are compensated directly through the Google Adsense program. You can either chose to write an article of above 150 words or a social bookmark but you can earn revenue from articles only. It is a PR4 site that gives 60% of the share to the writing community.
Senserely Yours, We are an ad revenue sharing community, you too can rely on AdSense .. Senserely is an Adsense Revenue Sharing Community, our members are all AdSense Publishers and write in their blogs original content so that everybody profit from it through the ads displayed by Google AdSense.
Write your own articles and earn royalties, spread your ideas, and participate in our community.
She Told Me is a Digg-like with a 100% AdSense Revenue Sharing program. This is how to promote a blog or website while earning money at the same time. Publish your articles for free.
Best Reviewer is a collection of reviews in the style of TOP X. All reviews are created by our members and the site is really rich of their creativity. You can browse the reviews in many ways, it's very entertaining for sure!
Watch funny videos and video clips at Our editors find the best funny videos, clips and pictures for you to watch right now.
On the set of standard of the articles is very high. Spammers be aware that duplicate and self promotional articles will be deleted. It is advised that you use original content to this site. 75% of the time the publishers affiliate codes will be displayed and the other 25% the InfoBarrel codes are displayed.
Write quality content articles and you can earn a passive income generated by adsense. The ratio of earnings is 80:20, the ads that are displayed on your article are 80% of the time your own ads that you will be credited for if anyone clicks on them. The other 20% is snipsly teams share.
You can publish articles and ‘how to’ guides and earn considerable income from Adense or Chitika. You would receive 60% of the revenue generated through the ads on your content.
This is a site that says it all, it is an elaborate way of writing how to do guides. It’s writers a share of Google Adsense revenue. Writers get 50%.
This website encourages write and get published, Share with other writers, polish your freelancing skills for generating good revenue online. It is a PR 5 site, which demands the quality to be of high standards. A general rule of thumb is to write tips, reviews, essays, articles and more. Members can earn through this site via impressions, upfront fees for contests that are held on a regular basis on this site.
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