Permalink-New Update For Custom URL From Blogger For SEO

By Gamesnet Saturday, August 4, 2012 0 comments
The best blogging platform Blogger introduced the much needed update,permalink option to each post.Now Blogger users can customize their individual post link with this new useful permalink feature by logging in through team announced Search Preferences months before which took blogger platform closer to Wordpress which is considered as the powerful SEO optimized platform.The only SEO feature that is not available in Blogger when compared to wordpress is option of editing permalink which is covered with this update.

blogger developed permalink update for SEO

Permalink And Uses Of Permailnk In SEO: 
          Permalink is the permanent link to each post that you publish.Permalink is very important because with this you can help your visitors the perfect post which they look for quickly even if the post is archived.On top of that using permalink reduces 404 erros and helps your blog to rank better in search engine results.So using  this permalink feature will definitely take your blog to next level.

Tips To Customize Pemalink URL:
       * Make your permaink short but very effective by choosing the important keywords that describes the entire article only in few words and not making it more long which will be catchy and attract more visitors.
       * It is better to use dashes'-' than underscore'_'.
       * Do not use invalid characters( # ( ) = + ` ? ; ^ & *" : / | \ [] . '  $ % ,! @) 

How To Add Permalink In Blogger:
      1.Login to your blogger account through
      2.When you click new post you can find new Permalink option in right side of the post editor.
      3.Click the Custom URL in permalink option and type important keywords that describes your post.  
      4.Publish your post.
Make Blogger In Draft Default:
       Every time you don't have to login using to use permalink feature.Just make blogger in draft default by selecting Make Blogger in Draft my default option at top right in blogger dashboard.
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