Remove AV Security Essentials

By Gamesnet Sunday, February 5, 2012 0 comments
Remove AV Security Essentials
AV Security Essentials is a fake antivirus program that try to pretend to be a real antivirus which can remove malware. However, AV Security Essentials does not kill any malware from any computer. AV Security Essentials infects the computer by installing useless program into the computer which will try to disguise itself like a legitimate antivirus. After installation complete, AV Security Essentials will scan the computer and will surely state that the computer is infected by malwares and urge the user to buy the full version of AV Security Essentials.AV Security Essentials states that its trialware is not able to remove malware threats detected and offers you purchasing its full version which is allegedly capable to fix them. AV Security Essentials is a serious risk to any computer system and should be removed immediately.

AV Security Essentials can be removed by using Emsisoft HiJackFree to stop the process and remove the files. Then the user should remove the registries entries added and modified according to the removal guide stated below.

AV Security Essentials displayed fake alert such as "Please tell Microsoft about this problem. We have created an error report that you can send to us. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.", "Security Warning Malicious programs that may steal your private information and prevent your system from working properly are detected on your computer. Click here to clean your PC immediately.", "Security Warning There are critical system files on your computer that were modified by malicious software. It may cause permanent data loss. Click here to remove malicious software." and so on.

AV Security Essentials should be removed immediately!

AV Security Essentials Removal Guide
Kill Process
(How to kill a process effectively?)

Delete Registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "AV Security Essentials"

Remove Folders and Files
%UserProfile%\Desktop\System Security 2012.lnk
remove the file shown in autorun settings.
%StartMenu%\AV Security Essentials.lnk
%Programs%\AV Security Essentials.lnk
%Desktop%\AV Security Essentials.lnk
%AppData%\AV Security Essentials %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\AV Security Essentials.lnk
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