Remove Antivirus Protection 2012

By Gamesnet Saturday, February 18, 2012 0 comments
Antivirus Protection 2012 Removal Guide
Antivirus Protection 2012 is a fake antivirus program that try to pretend to be a real antivirus which can remove malware. However, Antivirus Protection 2012 does not kill any malware from any computer. Antivirus Protection 2012 infects the computer by installing [random].exe into the computer which will try to disguise itself like a legitimate antivirus. After installation complete, Antivirus Protection 2012 will scan the computer and will surely state that the computer is infected by malwares and urge the user to buy the full version of Antivirus Protection 2012.

Antivirus Protection 2012 can be removed by stopping the processes and removing the files by using Emsisoft HiJackFree. Then the user should remove the registry entries added or modified by Antivirus Protection 2012 shown in the removal guide below. All files related to Antivirus Protection 2012 must be deleted.

Antivirus Protection 2012 is a new enough program that attacks systems of the world nowadays. This malware is related to different kind of trojan horses that are very widespread in the web. And no one is safe from being infected by them.
Antivirus Protection 2012 should be removed immediately!

Antivirus Protection 2012 Removal Guide
Kill Process
(How to kill a process effectively?)

Delete Registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "[random]"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Inspector"

Remove Folders and Files

%AppData%\Antivirus Protection\securitymanager.exe
%AppData%\Antivirus Protection\antivirusprotection2012.exe
%Desktop%\Antivirus Protection.lnk
%StartMenu%\Programs\Antivirus Protection\antivirus protection.lnk
remove the files stated in the autorun setting.

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