Remove McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode

By Gamesnet Sunday, August 7, 2011 0 comments
Remove McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode
McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode is a fake antivirus program that produce fake protection that cannot protect the computer from any kind of malware, trojans or virus. McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode infections being distributed by using trojan, including posing as fake updates for media content such as Flash. Similar methods, especially those that involve fake browser updates or fake media codec updates, are also used by trojans like Zlob and Fake Microsoft Security Essentials Alert that distribute different types of rogue security applications. McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode installs into the computer and will configure itself to start automatically (in registry) when Windows boot. McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode WILL SURELY disable the update of other legitimate antivirus but the user will not know about it because McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode always show that the antivirus is up-to-date. McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode blocks many antivirus from executing in the computer so that to prevent itself from removing by real antivirus.

McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode can be removed by stopping the processes and removing the files by using Emsisoft HiJackFree. Then the user should remove the registry entries added or modified by McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode shown in the removal guide below. All files related to McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode must be deleted. The user should do it under Windows Safe Mode. The user should also run a full scan on the computer as McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode uses trojan to infect the computer.

McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode enable remote attacks on the computer so that other malicious malware can be easily installed without any confirmation from the user and all of them do it secretly. The infected computer will be infected by many type of malwares.

McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode will show this message to the user:
McAfee ENHANCED PROTECTION MODE Attention! McAfee operates under enhanced protection mode. This is temporary measure necessary for immediate response to the threat from virus. No action is required from you.

McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode should be removed immediately!

McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode Removal Guide
Kill Process
(How to kill a process effectively?)

Delete Registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "McAfee Enhanced Protection Mode"

Remove Folders and Files
remove the files stated in the autorun setting.
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